葉成 (Cherng Yeh)









Tel: +1- 908 461-3562


33 Shadowstone Lane,

East Windsor, NJ 08520 USA

Email: cherngyeh@yahoo.com


After graduated from College and served in the Marine Corps (Yes, I made it with my so bad eyesight), I’ve settled in New Jersey.  I worked for Bell Labs and

Lucent and now work for Tata Communications.

I wish I could retire as many of you enjoying your life. However, I still have a long way to go.  I married seven years ago, my wife's name Emily and my son's name Matthew (允文), and now my only son is going to be 21 months (vs. years) old.  God is fair.  We have to pay our responsibility sooner or later.

I live in East Windsor, next to Princeton and in between New York City and

Philadelphia.  When you get a chance to be in the area, you are welcome to stop by, and we can have a good drink which is prohibited while we were disciplined by Mr. Wu.



Emily, Matthew (允文) and 葉成



這張像片是上個月在日內瓦老城區拍的。 我替它取名 為“A proud father and the happy son strolled the romantic Old Town of Geneva"  請看背景,一對戀人忘情擁吻。 真美!

(2011-12-23 From Cherng):
上星期吃完公司的尾牙, 2011 已近尾聲。2012 就在門口了。 敬祝各位同學闔家歡樂, 有一個快樂的假期,及充滿希望的新年。
數算2011, 我最大的收穫就是能和各位老同學重新聯絡上了。 我現在每早醒來的第一件事及每晚睡前的最後一件事就是查看同學們的email。  充滿喜悅的細讀每一同學動態,笑話,保健資訊, 等等. 另外,我和好幾位用Skype,雖然偶爾通話, 但我沒次看到你們在網上, 都是非常高興。

過去一年我和我的一家也是充滿平安和喜樂。 兒子允文 (Matthew)一年來健康成长, 每天都哈哈笑, 已過兩歲生日。 拙荊Emily和我都有工作, 雖然稱不上 “錢多,事少, 離家近,”但可以 糊口。 家母91 高齡, 身體健康, 耳聰目明。想找張全家的相片給大家。 可惜照相館不給底片, 沒法,只好附上一張兒子的充數。
希望未來的一年內, 我們有機會重聚。我夢中都在和大家小酌呢。獨飲樂,不如眾飲樂。 誠哉斯言也。








林明玉,洪渡音,徐慧玲,魏妻--蔡娟,戴 妻--Serena


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