2013-2-17 from Ouyang:

 Shall we designate a drinks officer
and allocate for them
and asking the good guys to be prepared for bullet-worthyness (proof), unless we will have a dry commotion?

I will bring a bottle of grape wine.

Have a great and relaxing


2013-2-18 From David Wei
 You don't have to bring anything, I'm serious. Cooper and I will prepare decent brand of both Red wine and single malt - enough for 30 people...hopefully.

二月廾二日, 星期五, 6:30 PM. 榮榮園餐廳, 信義路四段25號二樓. Tel: 2703-8822. 靠復興南路口, 大安捷運站對面.

目前己登記參加者: 32人
甲   戴宗方(2), 王太伍(2), 魏陵瑋(2), 洪渡音, 林明玉                                    (8)
乙   金其新(2), 凌安海, 胡宏詞, 石則詒, 蔣齊平, 安冬至, 吳樹民                        (8)
丙   張亦秋(2), 熊名琛(2)                                                              (4)
丁   陳著滬, 歐陽又新, 陳亦, 蕭廣仁                                                  (4)
戊   陳環秋, 郭上鯤(2),                                                                (4)
己   王楠蕃(2), 繩建軍                                                                 (3)

Please remind if I have missed somebody...

Happy New Year!!

2013-2-23 From Frank Wang,
