2013-6-27 from 應似蓉

Dear All,

Had a wonderful time spent with our classmates mated 50+ years ago. :=)

I apologize sincerely for a "Thank You!" seriously overdue. Jet lag is the most expected excuse; unexpected, I've a close relative passed away while I was in Taipei and his funeral was just couple days after my arrival. Emotionally, I was a bit depressed to write you. Physically, I've tenant issues pile up that kept me busy lately.

Anyway, I'm working on solution and making progress slowly. :=)

Just a quick note to let you know that I do appreciate your kindness of treating me such a nice dinner. I'll always treasure our friendship and cherish the profound memory of our happy gathering.

Please take care and keep in touch!

Sincerely yours,
Cindy (似蓉)

2013-5-29 From 陳著滬:

Dear all,

凡我北師附小同學 who happen to be in Taipei at the time尊鑑:

容我贅言,希望諸位鼎力相助、參與畢業 52年小聚、歡迎攜伴參加。

Thus we shall have a reunion dinner for two classmates from afar:   丁班 應似蓉 (From LA area, US) 及 甲 班陳克烱  (From Seattle area, US).

目前吉日選為 本周日晚,June 2 。十六位校友:張亦秋、戴宗方、郭上鯤 、陳著滬、陳亦、應似蓉、陳克烱、翁宜冠、洪渡音、邱進裕、陳聰明,黃正竹、蕭廣仁、陳貽彬、歐陽又新以及遠在台南的林明玉會參加。  


其中蕭廣仁、陳貽彬、歐陽又新 三位表示若因公、準備期末考、或 出差時間調整可行、都盡量 或 必定赴約。

I would like to indicate that instead to have the generous classmates who paid the bills in the past, we shall share the cost among the BSFS alumni evenly.   

We would like to encourage our alumni to bring family members to join our reunion dinner.
Therefore if you bring your spouse(partner, child, or your guest), they will be free of charge, just like the alumni, our guest out of town.  

All you have to do is to let us know ahead of time, so we can make sure there are enough seats and foods for all who plan to come.

All the best,


2013-6-3 From 陳聰明:

昨日 6/2 國小聚餐之相片本人已儲存於 FACEBOOK,
