2014-3-12 From 歐陽又新(Ouyang),

Dear明明 and all:
Thank you for your comforting words.
My old dad lived a productive, constructive and therefore a
quite healthy and fulfilling life through out his trails of
experiences concomitant with the ups and downs of the first Century of our Nation
but not empty handed. That is remarkable!
He is so independent and stubborn that he virtually chose the time to leave us
so that the family and himself will not be burdened by his weakness.
Therefore we virtually gave him a glorious farewell party endowed by
the glory and great effort of his students, old colleagues, and friends of our own,
and relatives extending couple generations. 

Thanks to Robin and all you good will.
We were afraid to disturb all with our family affairs publically.

Meanwhile, Yi哥 just called me up suggesting that we could put the profile of my old dad (CS pains taking mission, as my dad refused to leave anything in writing) on the Facebook of our Alumni club with some modifications.
I feel this is a very positive thing to do - reflecting what I just said.

Thank you all for the great support and thoughtfulness.
 I feel this is a positive thing to do therefore we will abide.
The family is deeply obliged.

YS and the Ouyang's

2014-3-12 From 應似蓉,
Dear 歐陽,

令尊昨天大殮,未能親臨致哀,至憾!(據悉,我的表姊、表弟及表姊都曾前往敬禮行儀,不知我姨爹可曾現身?大家都擔心他會禁不起令尊往生的消息,會哀傷過度. . .)但看到幾位到埸的北小同學,個個親愛精誠;照片中顯示出靈堂的佈置,莊嚴肅穆,極盡哀榮;令兄弟孝親之情,溢於言表。相信老人家在天之靈,一定倍感安慰與放心。
With my most sincere condolences,

似蓉 恭敬合十

2014-3-11 From Hoover Chen,

Dear friends,

Here are some of the photos at Ouyang father's funeral ceremony.


2014-3-3 From David Wei,


歐陽尊翁 2/21百歲仙逝. 喪禮預訂3/11,上午0830,於第一殯儀館大覺廳公祭.

如得空, 請前往致哀; 如可協助招待, 請逕連絡歐陽兄 (0933-540-341).

著滬兄, 請通知貴班其他同學, 謝謝!


2014-3-3 From  ouyang

Dear David:
Thanks for your kind words and thoughtfulness.
I am waiting for 訃聞 to be handed over to us for mailing.
Time is real pressing.
I guess we need to use e-mail on the side to gain sometime.

I really feel hesitant to trouble good friends to attend my old dad's funeral ceremony.
It may not be polite or not proper if I do not inform you at all.
I am attaching the pdf copy of the 訃聞 for buddies already heard of this news and can find time to attend. We do not mind otherwise because it's quite early and expectedly brief.

In fact only my brother and I are in Taiwan for the proceeding, but we can only play dummy on the ceremony, whereas few close family friends and my dad's students, etc. are isolated groups of people.
This makes accommodation not easy to handle.
I worries that it will almost be a self-service event for our guests.

May be I need to assign couple volunteers among friends who will come and share some miscellaneous tasks on the side.
If few of our classmates can help please let me know.
We can do some planning during coming weekend if situation allows.
Any good suggestions?
Thanks a lot.
