2015-1-9 from David Wei,

小弟打算1/16, 週五晚, 邀著滬兄嫂小聚. 他們倆1/21即將打道回府且我們也該勤走動, 至少可因此提昇一下郭八的氣質,  Mary分勞, 亦是善行!

請先把時空出, 細節另告.  當然攜伴!


2015-1-16 from Hoover Chen,

Thanks to David who arranged for this dinner gathering.

He and Caroline also invited all of us who attend to their home for a after dinner drink.

I took a photo as attached herein. Unfortunately Stone left earlier and I was not in the photo, maybe Ouyang or someone else has one with me in it...
