2015-5-15 from 杨申龍

Hi Celia,

You're very welcome! Robin, I've attached a photo for your reference, thank you for your

calling from Maui joining our conversation. We've had a good time, exchanging our own

life experiences and recalling old class memories(depending how much you'd remember).

Hope that we'd have more opportunities to gather more classmates in the future.

2015-5-15 from 杨正瑛

Hi Joseph
Thank you again for a lovely dinner and delightful conversation.
Please do let me know if you plan to visit the Southland so I will have a chance to play host.


Celia Young

2015-5-14 from Joseph

No problem, we'd decide when we meet. Japanese food will be fine with me.
I'll be out soon and won't have Internet access. Call me or text me if you need
to reach me. Otherwise, see you in the evening.

Thanks, Joseph 

2015-5-14 from Celia,

No Worries.
I think Hotel Nikko has a good Sushi bar.  Do you like Japanese food? 

Celia Young

2015-5-14 from Joseph,

I'd apologize that I couldn't get a reservation at R&G before 8pm, so I'd suggest that we just find 
a restaurant (might be Italian) close to the Union Square for our gathering. I'll meet you around
6:45pm in your hotel lobby then. Sorry for the change.

Thanks, Joseph 

2015-5-13 from Robin,

嶺南 is a good choice! They have delicious food, I like 嶺南 too!
Please make sure you bring camera with you, I can post your pictures onto BSFS website!

2015-5-13 from Joseph,

Ok, I'll pick you up around 6:45pm at the Nikko. Driving in the city is a bit challenging, but
I'd know better than you. I plan to take you to Chinatown's R&G lounge (嶺南)unless you
have other preferences.  郭八,有空也來灣區轉轉?

Thanks, Joseph 

2015-5-13 from Celia,

Hi Joseph
I am glad to hear from you too.

Grade school seems long time ago.  I can no longer match people's faces with their names.  Even we were not in the same class, we shared a history full of innocent time.

It will be so good to see you .  And I hope others can join us.

I am staying at the Hotel Nikko near the Union Square in SF. The address is at 222 Mason St.  Dinner tomorrow night will be lovely.  Since I will be just arriving, perhaps meeting at 6:30 or later will be better
I am not familiar with restaurants in SF.  I can meet you at a place you choose or you can come and pick me up if it is not too much trouble.
My cell number is 949-433- 4130.
Look forward to seeing a few of you.

Celia Young

2015-5-13 from Joseph,

Hi Celia,
It's nice to hear from you. I'll be glad to meet you and take you out for a dinner gathering 
tomorrow (Thursday) evening if your schedule allows. Others are welcome to join. We're not 
in the same class, but I know 楊彥,郭上鯤,周樹東 very well. Please let me know where 
you'll stay in SF and your phone number.  I'd either pick you up or meet you at a restaurant.
My cell phone is 650-293-7168. Robin, thank you for the posting from Maui.

Thanks, Joseph 

2015-5-13 from Celia,

Hi Bonnie
Thanks for your prompt response.  And thank you for your kind words. Each of us modern women has our own way of expressing our brilliance.

I am sorry to hear of your mother.  Having lost mine five years ago, I understand your need to stay close to her.

We will find another time to connect.


Celia Young

2015-5-13 from Bonnie (郭明明)

Dear Celia:
Welcome to Bay Area! I don't know you, but I have known a little about everyone through Robin's posting over the years, and have known more about you through your own posting, a talented and gifted female in all, something that I always admire but never have the wit to be one!
I would love to meet you in person but I cannot make it of those days...mom is battling with her final days, hopefully, we'll meet another time.
Have a nice stay in one of the most beautiful place on earth!!


2015-5-12 from Celia,

Thank you.  I hope to see a few people.
Apologize for this last minute thing.

Celia Young