*2015-1-16 台北 茂園餐廳聚餐

January 16, 2015
2015-1-9 from David Wei,

小弟打算1/16, 週五晚, 邀著滬兄嫂小聚. 他們倆1/21即將打道回府且我們也該勤走動, 至少可因此提昇一下郭八的氣質,  Mary分勞, 亦是善行!

請先把時空出, 細節另告.  當然攜伴!


2015-1-16 from Hoover Chen,

Thanks to David who arranged for this dinner gathering.

He and Caroline also invited all of us who attend to their home for a after dinner drink.

I took a photo as attached herein. Unfortunately Stone left earlier and I was not in the photo, maybe Ouyang or someone else has one with me in it...



* 2015-1-3 同學台北祥福楼聚会

January 6, 2015
2015-1-3 from Hoover

I have called several classmates that they are still trying to work out their schedules to see whether they can manage to join us for the dinner.

They include:  吳廣寧, 許淑美 and 楊 彬.

The good news is that 歐陽又新 will be able to join us.  However, 黃正竹 will be in China so he can't join us.

A new list with phone numbers are at the end.  Please send me your updates/correction/etc.  Thanks.


陳亦     x2 (Confirmed 2)------...

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* 2014-11-24 魏陵玮及王太伍夫妇聚会於杨正瑛家

November 30, 2014

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* 2014-11-27 BSFS第三屆,第一次理監事會,會務簡報

November 27, 2014
2014-11-27 from 歐陽又新,

昨日下午(103-11-27 4:30pm)於母校校史館舉行了第三屆第一次理監事會議。
1. 恭賀唐啟戡理事長與魏凌瑋(在美)高票連任國北師大附小(北小)常務理事長與常務理事,任期三年
2. 郭公因娘娘有它想法,未出馬,小弟請辭未果,續獲選為任理事。
3. 北小林正鳳校長已轉任政大附小校長。
4. 十九屆校友會五十週年返母校T-shirt設計大方雅�...

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* 2014-11-22 魏陵瑋夫婦過境洛杉磯。

November 23, 2014
2014-12-1 From: Cindy Huang:

Dear David,


看到你和尊夫人健康、愉悅的儷影雙雙,真是為你們高興!Las Vegas 之行可好?想來你們現在已經到達東岸了,禦寒的衣服夠嗎?出門在外,小心風寒。

謝謝 John 安排了這次的餐聚,也謝謝 Rick 伉儷分享照片,讓我們能夠為這難得的聚會留下珍貴的記錄。如今知道 Simon 偶爾會來 Claremont 溜狗,下次來 Claremont 時, 給我打個電話,我們可以在 Villag...

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* 2014-11-19 杨申龙夫妇返台,同学们聚餐於台北祥福楼

November 21, 2014

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* 2014-10-28 杨申龙夫妇,及郭上鲲夫妇,上海徐家汇聚餐

November 21, 2014

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* 2014-11-05 罗晓宾夫妇拜访洛杉矶老友

November 11, 2014
罗晓宾夫妇於2014-11-5拜访洛杉矶, 与王太伍夫妇及51年未见的老友刘汉伦夫妇,相聚於中华川菜餐厅。
2014-11-9 又与53年未见的李国良老友,及俞安林聚餐於Hacienda Height 蜀湘园。

2014-11-10 From 李国良,

2014-11-09中午與 曉賓兄嫂及 太伍,安林二兄相聚羅蘭崗蜀香園!
與曉賓兄自附小畢離迄今53年,重聚把談甚歡!唯 兄行程安排已定,未及暢飲(酒)暢談,甚憾!期待下次吧!

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* 2014-11-2 王楠蕃夫妇拜访陈克炯於西雅图

November 4, 2014
2014-11-3 From KC,

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* 2014-9-28 张蕴真,沈兆北夫妇, 陶小圣返国, 聚餐北市龙祥园餐厅

October 7, 2014
2014-10-7 From 王而久,
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