張蘊真 Yunchen, Jane, Lin

Email: :yunchen@rogers.com

Tel: 905 709 7594.


Dear Jane,
真高興已班又找到一位失联的同學, 妳住在Toronto, 真好! 乙班的陳明智也住在Toronto,看來可以在多倫多成立北師附小第16屆畢業生同學会了。我目前負責維護我們同學會的網站,我會儘快替妳開妳個人網頁, 能否請妳提供妳及家人的照片, 以及妳想同大家分享的個人信息, 請email這些資料給Robin Lo at rlo168@gmail.com 以便刊登. 謝謝
--- 羅曉賓


2014-1-17 From 張蘊真,


你們真的很厲害... 我小時候的情況怎會記得那麼樣清楚? 連我住在那條街都知道... 慚愧的是我生性害羞, 所以對男生記憶不多, 女同學倒是還能記得不少...

上網走了一遭~~認人就認了半天, 看到的照片也大多是同學們相聚時的留念, 所以僅附上一、二張家庭及個人照 (以免大家不認識我) 其他就是具地方特色的風景照給大夥兒瞧瞧罷了! 蘊真簡介

我每年都會返台探望年邁的父母, 只是今年會晚些, 預計在九月以後... 屆時定會先和David 聯絡, 對吧?


       闔家團圓 新春愉快!!




14-1-18 From 楊申龍:
HI Jane,
多谢Robin和Mike联络到妳。 我去年11月在台北与己班鄒逸蘭,宋先惠,曹文麟以及江老师聚会时,还


2014-1-18 from 張蘊真:

Hi Joseph,

謝謝你們大家這麼記得我... 真的不曉得你們已經成立了校友會, 如果早聯絡上的話, 我們可能都見上面了, 因我2005年以前是住在溫哥華, 那時去加州較方便, 我去過三次, 都是先到San Jose, 你們不會是都住在那兒吧?

今年返台時我會找時間請同學帶我去看望江老師的. 真是沒想到已五十多年了,大家還能聯絡上, 大概還是有緣吧... 不然Mike怎會想起十幾年前見到的我,而經由我弟弟找到我?



2014-1-19 From 魏陵瑋:


2014-1-19 From 王楠薔:


Hi Jane!

Welcome "back"! I was reviewing my old emails earlier today and I had mentioned that somehow we have your contact information but we just haven't reconnect yet! 

I lived in Toronto in 1975! And In 1980 I was transferred to Vancouver then again back to Toronto in 1988. In 1990 I was transferred back to Vancouver finally. In 2011 I retired from the Globe and Mail after 34 years and stayed in Vancouver! I was in Toronto last May and met with 陳明智!Frankly speaking...all I knew that he was from 北小 and I just called him while I was in Toronto. We met for the 'first time' and we were like two lost friend! We had a great time together! 

I remember you were sit in the front of the classroom...Am I right? You had mentioned that you probably will visit Taipei in September? Since I retired in 2011 I spent almost six months a year in Taipei. I usually go there in the CNY, May and August, September. So we might meet in September. I do go to Toronto and next time I will let you know and hopefully  you, Mitch( 陳明智)and I can have a reunion!  If you do come this way by all means let me know!!! I would love to play the host as I knew this city very well....

I am leaving for Taipei on Wednesday night and will be back on April 1st. Here is my contact information,  home 604-926-2289, Cel 778-869-6799

Warmest Regards,
2014-1-19 From 張蘊真:

Hi Frank,


Actually, my whole family immigrated into Vancouver in 1995, and then my elder daughter studied in Toronto and married here.  In 2005 while she was going to give birth, we moved here for helping her to look after the first baby and my younger daughter has been staying in Vancouver.  You know what?  Someday I think I’ll move back to Vancouver if my second daughter stably settles down there.  I love there much more than Toronto.  You have got a right place for your retirement life.

Certainly if you come to Toronto, we can have a mini reunion.  However, may be we’ll meet in Taipei first.  My phone number is 905 709 7594.

p.s. I was always sitting at mid-row of the classroom.

Best regards,


 2014-1-19 From Bonnie 郭明明,

Hi Jane:
I stood on the front porch thinking back....God has a way of making beautiful memories out of suddendly! Frank asked me if I remember you? I do!! but just the name! after your picture was posted, I suddenly see you scystal clear! How much easier than ever to find and connect with people from our past, Google, Fackbook, and Linkdedin are all good sources for finding people in a nonthreatening, noinvasive way...so glad that we have you on board! so far I have met almost everyone in our class! and hope to see you soon. Bay area, Taipei, or anywhere!
Bonnie 郭明明


2014-1-22 From Yunchen (Jame),

Hi Bonnie,

In my memory, you were tall, slim with beautiful fair skin.  Few days ago I read your email on the website.  Whether it be in English or Chinese, they were all heart warming.  I am very grateful that you’ve found me and that I am a part of this special group of people.

Sorry for the belated reply, due to a recent unfortunate incident of slipping on ice. My right arm is now in a cast. Don’t worry, I am fine. I hope we will have time to meet up in the near future and reminisce those good old days.

Best Regard,


 2016-4-2 From Robin,(Cross America Trip Report)

(4-2) 出门前收到张蕴真從Toronto 送來email, 她说:“看了半天的游记,原來是Robin写的!怎麽不早通知?今晚有空一起吃饭吗?”,原來是在台湾的魏陵瑋,和在温哥華的王楠藩,把我们今晚要到達Toronto 的消息告述她和陈明智了!因爲我没有张蕴真的电话,我把我的Cellular电话email 给她和陈明智了!

一小時後,在路上收到张蕴真电话,聲音很親切,说陈明智现在人在Waterloo,聽到我们要來的消息要赶回Toronto, 今天下午會到!陈明智人還没见到,已经令我们感动不已!我们约了(4-3)号中午一起吃午餐!看來我们小學同學的网路联络效率,不输给FBI.

(4-2) 中午吃過饭後,在大雪中接近休倫港(Huron Port), 离开美國邊境收费$3.00 美元,這是最後的搜刮,然後准備跨過休倫湖大桥,排隊通過加拿大關卡。护照要先准備好,到關卡移民官會问你6個问题,要明确做答,不可支支吾吾:(1)從何而來? (2) 來加國的目地?(3)要去那個城市? (4)要呆多久?(5)有没有訂好旅管?(6)有没有带酒?

4-3)号上午1045分,小學同學陈明智,张蕴真,和己班的驸马爷,林永煌一同到旅舍來接Mei和我去一家名叫 《Spring Roll》的餐馆。這家餐馆装潢講究,布置宽敞典雅,很适合同學们聊天聚會。店里提供泰國,日本和中國三式混和的Buffet 菜点,全部现点现做。恕我浅薄,加州湾区還没有见過相似的店!Toronto 到底是加拿大最大城市,建议以後同學拜訪Toronto都指名來此一试!




4-3)晚上住在Niagara Fall (你家那塊大破布!),要住两晚,外面氣温摄氏(零下-5C),風冷效果(零下-10C),终於领會了所谓《風刀霜剑嚴相逼》的滋味!明後天再報導!

2016-10- 22: From Frank Wang (王楠藩):
















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