2013-2-7 From 陳著滬 Hoover Chen -- 何肇衢老師

If you ask anyone who graduated from 北師附小 of 何肇衢老師, most people will remember him as one who was as dedicated as Vincent Van Gogh in painting and a 嚴厲不茍言笑的老師。

I have the privilege of learning sketch for three years in his studio during summer and winter vacation breaks from 1956 to 1958. I guess that was a very special treat from an experimental elementary school during that time.
Last year end, I strolled to Dr. SYS Memorial Hall, and saw the notice stating that 台北師專大學與香港中文大學 will hold a 聯合畫展.
I thought maybe I can run into 何肇衢老師. I have not seen teacher Ho since I left Taiwan in 1973, and I have lost to keep in touch with him since.
I went to the gallery, and door were closed because the exhibition will be next day, Jan 1 of 2013...
I peeked inside and saw many young students and workers busying hanging up frames on the wall, but I saw an old man sitting in the center bench, talking with another middle aged man. I shamelessly walked inside and introduce myself to him, " I am..."
He looked at me, at first, he could not connect me with who I claim I am. Then, yes, I remember you, the naughty one....

He told me he retired more than 30 years ago, and always has his own art studio. He has traveled to many places, including mainland China, many times for cultural events between BeiShiTa and universities in China. I asked him how old he is now. He said he will be 83 soon. Thus he was born circa 1930. He was 25 to 31 years old during my primary school year. I first met him was in the summer of 1956, I was becoming a 2nd grader, and joined his class for drawing. He won the first place in oil painting for pan-Taiwan competition in our school days, thus he was kind of famous.

He was very strict in the painting class. No talking. No walking. If it was still life, we were made to sit for hours...
I was made to stand against the wall many times for misbehavior.
The best was landscape drawing sessions. It was actually summer picnic. Once a week for the summer time. Teacher Ho will bring about a dozen kids to Tang Sui (淡水), Kwang Yee Shan (觀音山), Ta Long Tung (大龍洞), Tse Lan Kung (指南宮), Sui Yuan Dee (水源地), etc. I attended the drawing class for the 2nd grader till the 4th grader. It was a memorable thing.
In these field trips, he was like a big brother to all those little boys and girls. He made sure we crossed the streets safely. He made sure we find the right spot to draw. He told us how to love paint.....
I then asked him can I take a photo of him in front of his recent work. He gladly agreed. I asked him for email address and mobile phone.
He replied, " I do not have either".
He gave me his name card with address for home and studio and telephone number for both.
The next day, I went again, sitting in the opening party, and I took some more photos of him, and I left without disturbing him.
I mailed the color prints of the photos to him and he called me back happily.
He is not strict nor stern.
He is a man of character.
He is a man.







2012-10-28 From 魏陵瑋:


 10/27 是北師附小校友會, 循例由五十週年當屆主辦. 聽說專程回國的人不少, 我特地去見見幾位老鄰居, 老朋友; 順便替主辦人王一存捧捧場.

經過兩年的籌備, 這次校友會成果果然不同凡響, 出席率頗高, 後浪推前浪, 相信一定會一次比一次更精彩.

事在人為, 我們這一屆還有很多努力的空間看看六十週年吧! 至少大家要活久一點.

 高與遇見武莉霞老師, 她居然還記得我, 真不簡單! 她代表老師們致詞, 她說她最大的成就, 就是教出了一群各行各業都傑出的北小校友, 全場感動, 掌聲不斷.






下面的師長照片 是比我們低許多屆的學弟妹們離校四十年歡聚一堂時照的:















2016-10- 22: From Frank Wang (王楠藩):







2012-06-09 From Hoover Chen:

譚達士校長(Tan Da-shi),
1919 - 2012

Took the photos directly from the funeral slide show...kind of blurred.

In fact I never knew Principal Tan well enough. I don't think I ever had a real conversation with her. Maybe I forgot I ever did. This was such a long while.

However, she always maintained her gracefulness and devoted her entire career towards one objective, manage the BSFS, and that is respectable. Thus I went to the service to pay my last due respect, may her rest in peace.




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