童真Grace Gai

Email: grace.gaj@gmail.com

Home: +1-561-883-2593



My dear classmates,
I would like to thank 亦秋 to contact us and get us all informed with 回娘家紀實.  Do hope one day we can meet again at 北師附小.  I retired last year, to install the software to write Chinese email will be my new project.
I came to USA in 1980.  During the 30 years, I spent about 3.5 years in Chicago.  It was very cold in Chicago, so my husband and I decided to settle down in Florida.  I have only one son - he is now in Nashville, TN.  Currently, my husband and I spend most of our time in Nashville, TN or my home (Boca Raton, FL).
Really happy to get connected with you all again.
童 真

Dear 曉賓 and 亦秋,
Attached are two family pictures taken on my son's graduations (2006 and 2011). 
Thank you so much for spending time and effort to keep us all connected again.



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